Thursday, October 30, 2008

super change of idea

hmmm, before i mentioned about the changes i wanted to undertake for my interpretation.

well, ive stuck to my idea of the large 'covering' over the facade of the museum. the covering will be made of glass so it reflects the structure and concept of the building. i.e. the use of natural light from the glass covering to light up the interior of the museum.

the second change i wanted to undertake was the ramps. at first i made sketches of a new ramp system. however, while modelling, i decided to place an elevator instead. this elevator is cased in glass so that, as the same concept as the ramp, the viewers are able to observe the surrounding interior within the elevator. also, this also makes the museum a whole lot larger and spacy. which promotes circulation. the use of elevators also means more light into the museum and therefore, a better effect in lighting down the walls through the glass roofing.

=) that will be all.

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